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Sunday, November 07, 2004

[Mulawin] 11/6/2004 08:05:37 PM

What could have happened, if we are to refine asrai's argument, is that Gabriel's grandfather was a Ravena who took a pulang binhi to shed his wings and his evil Ravena past. His son (Don Lucio), upon witnessing how he was killed by a Ravena, became an evil person. His grandson, ironically a good person, will become a Ravena savior -- if he accepts the dark call.

The berdeng binhi that Gabriel took could not have turned into a pulang binhi, because anyway, it will not turn him into a Ravena that way. I am beginning to have the suspicion though, that the berdeng binhi when given to someone who died will be resurrected into a Ravena (e.g. Vultra, and hence, Gabriel). Remember that the green bean is supposed to used only for healing, not for reviving the dead. If I am right, then it's a good thing the last berdeng binhi got lost and was not used to revive Alwina.

Post your comments here.

Posted by Quill Driver to Mulawin at 11/6/2004 08:05:37 PM
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